![]() 05/15/2017 at 03:37 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I hereby would like to thank Microsoft. Forcefully feeding Windows 10 caused me to turn off window updates and make my PC vulnerable to latest Ransomware attacks.
Sure, we can blame NSA or hackers for exploiting security holes, but in reality, if Microsoft had decent customer relationships with their customers, they would have warned us there was a very important security patch available and to update all systems ASAP - not force feeding their version of spyware.
NSA warned Microsoft of the problem and Microsoft did release a security patch... but never warned customers. Not NSA. Not Microsoft. I hope the affected parties come together and sue the pants off Microsoft and maybe NSA
![]() 05/15/2017 at 03:42 |
I run dual boot. Linux has its issues but at least I don’t have to use Windows except for scanning, printing and Photoshop. Gawd, Windows is slow and annoying.
Linux is free... Just saying
![]() 05/15/2017 at 04:01 |
Back in the day, it used to be a pain finding drivers for printers, video cards, modems when using Linux. I would love to switch to something... but I don’t know if Linux is the answer. It might be. I just don’t know enough
![]() 05/15/2017 at 04:05 |
I have Mint. It’s like a less annoying Windows. Certain hardware and software Will Not Work. But if you dual boot, you can have the best of both worlds. That said, my friend set this up for me so I’m no expert. I just know I’m using a Microsoft Office equivalent software suite for free. Check it out :)
Edit, i don’t know when you last tried it or what’s changed, but Linux will walk you through partitioning the hard drive as you install the os.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 04:05 |
that’s why i prefer Apple products.
less likely to suffer issues
![]() 05/15/2017 at 05:29 |
My main desktop runs Win10, but my laptop and spare desktop have been running Linux Mint for about 3 years now - some things can be a bit finicky, but in general, it’s worked great and figuring out the niggles hasn’t been hard with the help of Google or the Linux Mint forums!
![]() 05/15/2017 at 05:37 |
![]() 05/15/2017 at 06:24 |
Windows 10 really isn’t that bad, much better than 8/8.1
![]() 05/15/2017 at 06:39 |
Realistically, I blame the NSA way more than Microsoft for this.
Also, how were you forced to upgrade? I’m still on Windows 7 and was never forced to upgrade. And I have no idea why being “forced” into Windows 10 resulted in you turning off your updates?
![]() 05/15/2017 at 06:39 |
although they really should’ve stopped at 7, frankly
![]() 05/15/2017 at 06:46 |
It’s not BAD... but ads plus spying on everything you do... not is little smaller and BAD is a little bigger
![]() 05/15/2017 at 06:48 |
I turned off updates and thus kept windows 7, but you may have missed where clicking X on Do you wish to continue with update actually updated you to 10 rather than just closing the prompt. That case alone made me turn off all window updates.
If they disregard user input and do whatever the hell they want to, well.. two can play that game.
As for blaming NSA... it’s kind of like blaming someone who walked into your house when the wall of your house is missing due to builders fucking it up. Sure. They are not supposed to be there, but also wall is missing so anyone could walk in and out.
Microsoft is the builder who fucked up and didn’t finish building the wall
![]() 05/15/2017 at 06:52 |
This seems like one of those “cutting off your nose to spite your face” problems.
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I rather have no nose than be forced into something I didn’t agree to
![]() 05/15/2017 at 06:56 |
Then not having security updates is also kind of your fault when they roll them out and you opt out of getting them.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 07:16 |
If you’re worried about getting spied on, unplug the ethernet cable and remove the wifi adapter as is applicable to your machine, because that’s the only way to be sure.
And, it could be the malware that you’re getting from not patching known vulnerabilities.
And, how do you know that Windows 7 - or even XP, for that matter - isn’t spying on you already out of the box? You don’t.
And, there were plenty of ways to prevent going to 10 automatically. And, that offer is dead, so enable updates again, so you can use the method that Microsoft offers for notifying you that there’s updates to install ASAP.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 07:23 |
You didn’t have to turn off MS updates. If you ignored it long enough, the update should have stopped bothering you.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 07:25 |
lol this made me smile
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To be fair, everyone who upgraded their hardware to a motherboard with UEFI was essentially forced off 7.
I found out the hard way when my 7 wouldn’t install :(
![]() 05/15/2017 at 08:15 |
Yeah, that sucks. And new Intel boards won’t support it either. But it’s also two operating systems behind and what, eight years old? I can’t blame them.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 08:23 |
Loaded 10 on laptop because of new programs geared for it. Got used to it enough that I switched PC also. Its been a little different but not that bad. Using Chrome with Duck Duck Go extension for browsing on laptop. Have Chrome and Edge on both systems. Things seem to run flawlessly on both now that its got the bugs out. I was just upset when I did switch that I’ve had issues with a few old programs even when trying to run compatibility modes.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 08:27 |
getting it running to how you want/need it does take a little while but once you have it right then there’s no problems
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Disabling Windows updates on a machine connected to the internet is infinitely stupid.
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Exactly. My biggest issue since install is gaming updates a few times have been massive and interrupt my leisure time. I’ve recently had Horizon 3 stalling at times which wasn’t an issue before the last update.
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If you look into this malware issue farther, they are saying its primarily XP systems of old OS types that were the target more than others. I’m not sure how much better Windoes 7 or 8.1 would fare. The thing also to note here is not to open emails or attachments without knowing who they are from. I’ve had old systems on extra old laptops running even Window 96 with no issues until the drive died a couple years ago. I was running Vag-Com software from Ross-Tech for VW-Audi in them.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 09:03 |
Are you really Microsoft’s customer, though? If you bought the PC with Windows already installed, the OEM is the Microsoft customer, not you. I get what you are saying, but Microsoft doesn’t need (and clearly doesn’t care about) having decent relationships with end users when they are on a very small percentage of the actual customers.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 09:08 |
Same, it asked me to upgrade once when it rolled out two years ago, I clicked “no”, and it hasn’t asked again.
Maybe it’s because I installed Win7 myself instead of it being preinstalled from the factory?
![]() 05/15/2017 at 09:13 |
I suppose... but pretend Acme anvils came out with a new Operating System and everyone flocked to it. Computer manufacturers and users... then I would be Acme customer.. microsoft would die without me.. and you... and tons of other users. so yes. i think i am their customer.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 09:14 |
Assuming Microsoft gave up... but who really knows when they give up?
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I mean, there are some platforms without Compatibility Support Modules, but most platforms have them. And, 64-bit Windows 7 supports UEFI booting (if the UEFI is 64-bit itself, which a bunch of cheap tablets don’t have).
![]() 05/15/2017 at 09:25 |
So it’s targeting a vulnerability in Microsoft’s implementation of SMBv1, which (now, anyway) is used primarily by XP/Server 2003... and also a fair amount of Linux stuff.
That vulnerability affected all implementations of the SMBv1 stack in Windows all the way up to 10, although I believe for other reasons, WannaCry doesn’t work on 10 even though 10 had the vulnerability.
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They did put out a warning earlier this month when they provided the patch and then reminded people they needed to update this weekend if they hadn’t already.
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They eventually stopped popping up on my W7 machine.
When they bought LinkedIn, I was expecting to start hearing about it through them.
Dear Michael,
Congratulate Steven Jacob and 8 others on updating their computers to Windows 10.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:37 |
It repeatedly asked me even though I built my PC, but I turned it off in the settings.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 10:56 |
missed opportunities, microsoft.
McMike has been on Windows 7 for 10 years.
Like / Send Message
![]() 05/15/2017 at 11:20 |
If they ever do force me to upgrade I’ll just reinstall, I own a win7 disk. It doesn’t look like that’ll ever happen though.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 12:03 |
Sounds like a personal problem
You turned down a free upgrade to a better operating system because of a claim of “ spyware .” You went as far as turning off the updater service to ensure your “safety”
By doing so you left yourself wide fukkin’ open to attacks by spyware, malware, ransomware, etc.
This is the reason Microsoft pushed 10 so hard. They’re fukkin’ sick and tired of your shit people turning off the services that keep them safe, then blaming everyone but themselves for getting attacked.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 12:48 |
...and I would do it again.
You ask a builder to build you a house. You take delivery. Live in a house for a while. All is well. Winter comes and you freeze your ass because builder didn’t insulate. OK you install insulation. Spring comes with rain showers. You’re soaking wet because builder didn’t install roof. OK you install roof.
Sooner or later you ask yourself, what half baked fuckery did this builder put up for sale now?
No Windows since the inception have been perfect, but damn it in 30 years, they can finally figure shit out.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 12:49 |
I need to get on those forums. It’s little crap like the clock disappearing and the desktop icons not snapping to a grid that bug me. Better than waiting half an hour for Windows to shut down, though. Better than having to tell Windows not to “fix” my flash drive. Better than updates.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 13:39 |
I’ve not had one issue with my LinMint18 laptop for at least 4 months now.
Definitely join the forums - very helpful folks, and if not, you can often find prior posts that help if you’ve got issues. I’ve got the username ‘darkstrike’ over there.
![]() 05/15/2017 at 15:31 |
There is a big difference there. For one thing, Microsoft warrantees, and provides regular updates and security patches for, their software. By declining those update you are, in a sense, declining that warranty and accepting full responsibility.
Microsoft released a patch for the vulnerability in March for all operating systems currently under warranty - Vista and newer. Only those who decline patches or dont update their systems are at risk.
This isnt Microsoft’s fault. They performed due diligence months ago.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 03:40 |
Right... if they didn’t force people into unwanted operating system or unwanted major changes because they think they know what’s best for me, I might not have turned off updates...
In any case, I am to blame as much as NSA is to blame and hackers and Microsoft. Basically everyone is at fault.
The perfect storm
![]() 05/16/2017 at 11:19 |
A better builder analogy is that you bought a house and told them you didn’t want a roof or insulation, and then complained when you didn’t have them.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 11:21 |
not really. I bought a house that was supposed to have all that. Then decided they want to relocate me to a different house that had better insulation and roof, but had glass walls and everyone could see in.
In any case, my updates are up to date now that windows 10 harassment stopped. Hope there is no windows 11 harassment.
![]() 05/16/2017 at 11:37 |
You keep saying that. All I hear is
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You’re not wrong
![]() 05/16/2017 at 11:57 |
There won’t be any Windows 11 harassment, because there won’t be a Windows 11.
Windows 10 is supposed to be the “final” version of Windows, offering a more streamlined and simplified update path. No more service packs. No more giant updates. So far it works, and it works very well . Windows 7 was good - a highly polished version of XP - but was still very aged in architecture and design when it came out. Windows 10 is better.
![]() 05/22/2017 at 18:18 |
you are surely missing the point. Haven’t you figured it out yet? Microsoft has NO intention of providing you with a usable beneficial product. Their sole intention is to create dependency. WHY would anyone turn off Windows Updates? Because 99% of what they update are programming which reduces your PC’s performance,makes changes to programs you haven’t asked for, forcing you to waste hours learning not new features, but finding out where they moved the old features to, and in the end forcing you to buy a new PC minimum every 2 years. For that they get paid by everybody else. So.. Let’s salute Microsoft on the ultimate business model - in all other industries what they do would be fraud.
I send you a new model of my product, which you didn’t order or asked for. When you say - “hey, I didn’t ask for it” - I will answer “as if I care. I have delivered. So pay up”
Now you little Microsoft brainwash geek, will say - “but they are not charging for it”. REALLY? You are really not that naive, are you? Of cause they are. Maybe not you directly, but then through “development aid” from Intel and others. Cause no one truly needs a new PC. Or by forcing you to call their dealers who will then charge you. So no. Microsoft is truly legalized black mail.
IF they were honest folks they would make a SEPARATE security update and then OFFER the remaining product updates. Like Groove? What. Made because Media Player didn’t work? No. Made so that they could push their music store down your throat. Which provides another issue. They assume that you have the best tech available. They program from high down.. And anyone who is not willing to waste money on things they don’t need, will end up with the ORIGINAL product that they paid for and were happy NOT working.
That is like you wearing an old pair of jeans walking by the Levi’s store and the guy comes running out and cuts 25 holes in them. Now you kinda of have to buy a new pair, don’t you. They were fine. But now you are fucked.
So stop protecting criminals. If so, at least do it with valid arguments
![]() 05/22/2017 at 19:02 |
That’s cute
You’re cute